Thursday 6 March 2014

A tour of the MapTool OSRIC framework

This is a quick overview of some of the player character features in the MapTool OSRIC (1st ed AD&D) Framework

The character sheet keeps track of character properties, allowing players to run combat, manage spells, run class abilities and more. Saving throws are calculated using class and level, so any extra bonuses must be added when you run them.

The spell listing, which allows the player to look up a spell, edit it, or memorize it for the day.

Memorized Spell frame, which allows you to cast spells that you memorized from the spell list.

All the OSRIC spells with descriptions are listed in the campaign database.

Thief Abilities, calculated with all racial and dexterity bonuses.

Cleric Abilities (Smite is a house rule that you can ignore for your campaign. I will add a way to disable it in future versions.)

Manage your HP, XP and Wealth.

View and edit weapons.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Happy GM's day!

Yesterday marks the anniversary of Gary Gygax's death and is celebrated as GM's day by various RPG communities. It just so happens that our group meets on that night. Last night they decided to slay an ancient red dragon that lives in a nearby cavern (ostensibly to get items to aid them in their current quest, but really the treasure tables H, S and T fire a light of greed in even the roliest of role players.)

The first attempt to execute a complex plan, involving an invisible thief, a wall of ice and a phantasmal force, nearly ended in disaster when the dragon, hearing the heavily armoured group clank up to the cave entrance, bathed them with dragon fire, leaving the cleric all but dead.  Run away, regroup and try again. The second attempt went well. The dragon ended up using another breath weapon on the phantasmal force. The party got initiative, the thief backstabbed for a large amount, the fighters piled on, and soon the fearsome beast was dead.

There were literally tons of coins in the hoard. I at least had a chuckle when the party tried to use a magical broom of flying to ferry gold back to their ship.  The broom was an animated broom of attack.

Monday 3 March 2014

OSRIC Framework

Just a short note to get things going...

So our group has been using MapTool since 2010 to play our weekly session of AD&D 1st edtion (with the OSRIC ruleset.) Over the years, I've worked and reworked the macros and properties of the framework we were playing with, and after many hours of reading the MapTool wiki, and working through the excellent samples there, the framework has approached some level of polish.  So I took some time to clean it up some more and post it for the community.  The documentation can be found here. If you have comments or questions, you can post them here, or in the MapTool forum post, or via Google.